Below are links to .pdf scans of newspaper articles, mostly from the 80s and 90s.
Spring 1984 Post Dispatch Article about an arts festival in Forest Park (picture).
January 16, 1985 - Chesterfield Jounral article about Mrs. Sparfeld (sorry, it was laminated).
Summer 1985 - the Press Journal- article about Japan Tour
Summer 1985 - picture of rehearsal before Japan Tour (but published after).
Fall 1985 OAKE (Organization of American Kodaly Educators) Envoy article.
November 24, 1985 - short article in the Post-Dispatch about an upcomming concert with UMSL
August 07, 1986 - Post-Dispatch picture and caption with the visitors from Suwa, Japan.
August 11, 1986 - Post-Dispatch picture and article about the visitors from Suwa, Japan.
June 23, 1987 - Marlborough (MA) Enterprise article about upcoming SLCC concert.
June 27, 1987 - Marlborough (MA) Enterprise article about concert the next day.
Summer 1988 Press Journal picture and article before tour to the Northwest.
August 03, 1988 Press Journal picture and caption after our tour to the Northwest.
1989 - publisher unknown article about SLCC
May 05, 1989 Press Journal article about Mothers Day singing telegrams
July 26, 1989 Press Journal article about Holly Fricks and Courtney Hinds in the SLCC
November 29, 1989 Press Journal article about SLCC.
Spring 1990 Post-Dispatch article about SLCC.
June 27, 1990 Austrian newspaper article. Hope you read German!
June 05, 1994 Press Journal article
June 09, 1995 - Ladue News article