Below are some interesting links.
This is the official SLCC website. -
Facebook Alumni Page
This page was created by Tobin Sparfeld and currently has about 109 alums. -
The Ethelyn Sparfeld Generation
This page was created by Liz Copppock and currently has about 6 alums (but just started) - Facebook SLCC site
This page was created by Rebecca Hatlelid and has about 151members. -
Facebook "We Love Barbara Berner" page
This page was created by Amy Blumenkamp and has about 60 members. -
"SLCC Peeps" page
This page was created by Ashley Warmbrodt and has about 50 members, mostly current SLCC members. - Matt Alber
Matt is an alum who sang with Chanticleer and competed on Star Search. Check out his first album - Kevin McKeever
Kevin is an alum who works as a professional musician in L.A. Check out all of the different recording projects he's been involved in (like the Dreamgirls soundtrack). - Amy Jane Fienup
Amy is actually now married, but I don't know her new last name. She has a folk CD featured on her website.